英语演讲:四海之内皆兄弟范文 |
*all are brothers in the four seasabove all, i would like to thank everyone here. i would like to thank every chinese friend of mine. i would like to thank these who may read my sp
相约滨海之夏文艺专场演出串词范文 |
一、开场曲 合:各位领导、各位来宾、朋友们,大家晚上好! 男:一曲气势磅礴的《红旗颂》拉开了今天晚会的序幕。 男:今夜星光灿烂。 女:今宵情归滨海。 合:由奉贤区科学技术委员会、奉贤区科技企业联合会共同主办的“科星璀璨映滨海”——相约滨海之夏文艺专场演出正式开始! 男:今晚,奉贤区科技界人士欢聚一堂,采撷精华,为大家奉献科技与文艺的璀璨结晶,共同度过一个美
四海之内皆兄弟范文 |
*all are brothers in the four seas above all, i would like to thank everyone here. i would like to thank every chinese friend of mine. i would like to thank these who may read my
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