



书信是交流思想、互通信息、联络感情的有效工具。从大的范围看,英文书信可分为公函或 者 事务信件和私人信件两大类。前者主要是单位与单位之间,个人与单位之间的工作来往信件 ;后者则指个人与个人之间的来往信件。本文所谈及的英语日常应用文是将这两类信件中最常用的抽出来并分别予以介绍。大体来讲,本书介绍的日常应用文有以下几种。(一)邀请信(letter of invitation)这是一种很常见的英文书信。朋友亲戚之间相邀约时用它,进行学术交流邀请专家名流要用 它,聚餐设宴要用它,请人讲演讲学要用它。(二)介绍信(letter of introduction)介绍信也是一种常见的英文书信。私人之间的交往,各种大型的会议交流以及其它商业事务 上的业务联系,常常要用到这种书信。 (三)求职信(letter of application to vocation)向国外有关企业或单位谋职或推荐到国外有关单位工作要写求职信,申请在国内的外资企业 工作也要写求职信。这些都要用到英文求职信。(四)入学申请信(letter of application to school)到国外的学校学习,一般要先向该校有关单位发出申请信,在得到对方的答复后,才可办理 有关手续。近些年来,越来越多的人开始到国外去进修和深造,掌握这类申请信的写法也就 显得十分必要了。(五)庆贺信(letter of congratulation)庆贺信是一种常见的书信形式。单位开业、朋友结婚得子、生日寿诞等均可写信表示祝贺, 它是人们之间感情交流的一项重要的媒介和方式,掌握庆贺信的写法也是十分必要的。(六)推荐信(letters of recomendation)谋职或申请入学等常常需附上专家教授或有关人员的推荐信件。推荐信有时也单独存在。因此作 为一种必不可少的交流形式,本书也将介绍推荐信的格式和写法。(七)简历(resume)简历也是作为其它有关信件的附件而使用的,它不单独存在,总是随同其它信件一起送达有 关单位或人员的。掌握简历的写法也很重要。






An informal invitationDear Miss Chang,We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the eighth of March. Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for you. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to meet you.Very cordially yours,Margaret Li-Huang. ( 邀请信   范文 )


An informal invitationDear Miss Chang,We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the eighth of March. Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for you. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to meet you.Very cordially yours,Margaret Li-Huang. ( 求职信   注意事项 )


An informal invitationDear Miss Chang,We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the eighth of March. Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for you. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to meet you.Very cordially yours,Margaret Li-Huang. ( 几种   形式 )


An informal invitationDear Miss Chang,We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the eighth of March. Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for you. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to meet you.Very cordially yours,Margaret Li-Huang. ( 求职信   英文 )


An informal invitationDear Miss Chang,We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the eighth of March. Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for you. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to meet you.Very cordially yours,Margaret Li-Huang. ( 信函   邀请 )